We here on the U.S.S. Ark Royal 5 do not employ too many rules. It has
been the decision of the group that too many rules begin to stagnate
the sim itself and dulls the experience by having to correct things
or discipline people for stepping outside the boundaries. Therefore
we only ask that the following rules be followed at all times before
posts are sent out. Please double check your posts and read over them
a second or third time. I find reading the post backwards helps you
find clerical errors as the human brain can fill in words or take words
out when you know what the paragraph is supposed to say.
1) Respect all other players. Do not take liberty with their characters
without their expressed written permission a head of time. No flaming
of any type for any reason. If you are experiencing a problem with someone
on the list. Please check out the command crew listing and talk to any
of those members that you feel comfortable with to help resolve any
issues you may have.
2) Probably the most important of all, have fun. Plain and simple.
3) Keep the course language to a minimum. If possible, please use other
characters such as ( *, !, |, @ # $% ^^) in place of cursing or crude
language. We'd like to keep the list as clean as possible.
That's it. Please check back to this web page occasionally to check
for any updates. We will in all likelihood post any changes but sometimes
email problems happen.
Happy Simming,
U.S.S. Ark Royal Command Crew