Shii Muning
Personel Record:
Rank: Lieutenant J.G.
Age: 21
Race: 1/2 Asian Human, 1/2 Bajoran
Gender: Female
Position: Chief Counsellor of the U.S.S.
Ark Royal
Marital Status: Single
Parents: Yao Muning (father), Lirani
Service Record:
Academy: 132nd in a class of 646. Graduated with honors. On the
Academy swimming and diving teams.
Deep Space Five
USS Ark Royal
**Report given by former Counselor Shauna
O'Brian, Starfleet Academy**
Shii is usually kind and gentle, but don't get her angry. It's not
a good idea, as she is trained since birth in Kung Fu. She loves
to eat chocolate, her favorite food is shrimp, and and she has two
tokinese cats named Bast and Sheba. She loves to read, and paint
with ancient brushes and papyrus. She loves to draw and paint with
oil colors. Shii is a fun loving girl who just wants to have a good
time, but not at the expense of her work. She likes it when everyone
smiles, and will go out of her way to make someone smile. She loves
her friends very much and will do anything for them.
Shii was born the younger of twin girls to a Human from Beijing,
and a Bajoran on Earth in Taiwan. The girls were inseparable most
of their lives. There was always one difference between them.....Shii's
mole at the base of her neck just to the right. As long as that
mole was visible, it was always clear who was who. They loved to
swim in the open sea near their home. There was another difference
in their personalities......Li loved the outdoors and Shii prefered
to stay clean. Their father insisted they learn to live off the
land, but Shii shunned it and complained whenever her father insisted
they learn how survive in the wild. Shii prefered to curl up with
a good book and her cats. She did, however, love to swim and dive
in the pools at the gym and became very competitive in it. Her father
was a psychiatrist and wanted one of his daughters to follow in
his footsteps, but Li was so gung ho in her training in the Martial
Arts that Starfleet put her in the Marine Corps. Shii had her father's
knack for figuring out people's problems and was put into the Starfleet
Medical to become a Counsellor, and she is now awaiting her first